Thursday 18 March 2010

Main Exercise Updated

We have now filmed out entire production, and it's gone really well. We filmed at two locations on two different dates, differing by a week. Finding places to film wasn't very difficult, because as it turned out, Sarah and I both had houses that were perfect for out production. I took on the role of camera woman again in this production, and I found that it went much better then when we filmed our preliminary exercise. I thought that my zoom and my panning were a lot smoother, than when I filmed for the first time. With regards to out paperwork, we have managed to produce a strong final script and a good storyboard, however we need to develop our research further and expand on our original notes. When we filmed at our second location Andy wasn't present, however this didn't cause too much of a problem. The problem that we have faced, has been when we've gone to edit. This is because Andy supposed to be the editor of our production, however he has missed a few of the lessons and so we've had to edit our production without him. This hasn't been too difficult as between us we know how to use Windows Movie Maker, however next lesson we are intending to use Adobe Pro to add a couple of titles to our production. We have completed location recees for our first location, however we are yet to of produced our second location, location recees.
When it came to filming at the second location, I defiantly felt that I did a better job than when filming the preliminary exercise. I felt that I had more control over the camera. I also felt that the rest of my group allowed me to have more control, thus meaning I could learn from my own mistakes, and film the shots that I felt would work well with our production. We are now having major problems pulling together our production and cutting the the clip perfectly and adding titles. This is because Andy has been absent a lot recently, and he is supposed to be the main editor of our media piece. Between the rest of the group and I we have tried our best to make the publication good, however we lack the knowledge of being able to use Adobe Pro to do the finishing touches.
I need to get the photographs of my house to put in for the second location, and then our folder should be complete. This is good as it shows that we have worked consistently and kept track of all of our decisions, and planning.

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